Meet the team – Sally Wykes

Sally Wykes has recently joined Sheldon Bosley Knight as residential sales manager at our Nuneaton branch. As well as being completely dedicated to her job, she is mum of two, a lover of animals, enjoys gardening, making cakes and cooking. Sally is also in the process of writing her first book and although she’s not giving any spoilers as to the plot, she has revealed the genre is Women’s Paranormal Fiction. Whether estate agency and any personal experiences are featured she can’t possibly comment but we can’t wait to read it!

What is your role and what does your job entail?

I oversee the sales department in Nuneaton, making sure all the balls the team are juggling at one time stay up in the air! I make sure we all get together first thing in the morning to talk over the previous day’s activity and look at what we have coming up that day. I ensure the team knows where we are against targets and what we need to focus on and achieve both in the short and longer term. I then put plans in place and ensure they are actioned to achieve these results.

What did you do before joining Sheldon Bosley Knight?

Before Sheldon Bosley Knight I worked for a few different estate agents and new build developers, in both sales and management, so I have plenty of experience in a variety of roles within the sector. I have worked in both independent and corporate companies but find the atmosphere and ethos of an independent agent more in line with what I believe. I previously worked for Loveitts for two years, now part of Sheldon Bosley Knight.

How did you get into the property industry and how long have you worked within it?

I began my career in the sector about 10 years ago, starting with an independent agent in Leicestershire as a sales progressor before moving into sales of both new and resale property. I have worked in property across Northamptonshire, Leicestershire, Derbyshire and Warwickshire and so have a good all-round knowledge of the Midlands’ property market. For the past three years I have been managing sales teams and working in business development. Prior to property I enjoyed a career in car sales and marketing where I sold cars, managed dealerships, and headed up the marketing department for a family-run group of multi-franchised dealers.

What attracted you to Sheldon Bosley Knight?

Having previously worked for Loveitts in Coventry for two years, I knew about Sheldon Bosley Knight in a professional environment. When a position with Sheldon Bosley Knight became available I didn’t hesitate in applying as I felt the company’s values were very much aligned with my own. Sheldon Bosley Knight has achieved great things over the past few years, and I am excited to see what the future holds for us and how I can personally grow with the company.

What’s the best bit about your job?

I really enjoy working in a team environment and meeting people. I love the sense of being able to help customers find their ideal home. I like being the glue that holds everything together.

What qualifications or training do you need to do this job?

I have a degree in business management, however most of my qualifications to do this role have been the experience of working in sales in general and the property industry specifically.

What motivates you to work hard?

I wouldn’t be a very good salesperson if I wasn’t motivated by money! However, I also enjoy the feeling of knowing I have done a good job. Providing a good quality of life for myself and my children has to be by biggest motivator in all areas of my life, not just work. Showing my girls what can be achieved by working hard is also very important to me. I want to set them a good example and for them to be proud of me.

Who or what inspires you?

Successful people who are still good people inspire me. The old saying “it’s nice to be important but it’s more important to be nice” resonates well with me. I admire our custodian Mike Cleary’s way of running Sheldon Bosley Knight, which is to always do the best job for the customer rather than play a numbers game. At the end of the day, without our customers (and staff) a business is nothing. It is refreshing to work for a company which realises this and holds this in such high regard. It is important to me to provide the best service for my customers. I want them to go away thinking I/we did our best for them.

What are your career goals?

To progress as far as I can while still doing a good job and being effective in my role.

What do you do when you are not at work?

I have identical twin teenage daughters who need a full time taxi driver, chef and cleaner so that takes up a lot of my time! I’m a cat lover and have two cats I share my home with, as well as two guinea pigs. I also enjoy making cakes and cooking. I started writing a book about a year ago and really should get on with it as I’m around three quarters of the way into it. All I will say is it’s all things witchy! I also enjoy home decorating and gardening.

What is the best piece of career advice you have ever been given?

People buy people! During my university days I took a summer job with one of the major high street banks. They had a resource library you could borrow training material from. I remember borrowing some cassettes on sales training that I used to listen to in the car whilst driving to and from work. The one thing I took from them was a good salesperson makes the effort to get to know their customer and remember things about them such as their favourite football team or their dog’s name. If you take the time to ask about these things, it shows you have listened and taken an interest. Your customer is then much more likely to respond to you if they feel you are interested in them.

And finally…..

When they are choosing their estate agent, I always say to customers they shouldn’t base their decision on who to use on who says their house is worth the most or who has the cheapest fees. I always tell them it is more important to use a person and company you trust and get along with as selling a house is a big task. The transaction will usually take around three to four months minimum and so you need a good working relationship. Go with the person who you think will do the best job for you. Hopefully that will be me, but it is a personal decision. Customers love that honesty and openness!